November 23, 2018 @ 6:20 AM

Blog 3                                                                                                          Part B

In PART A, I identified four selves of a mobile of living your life: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual.  Now let me give you some self-care ideas on how to deal with each of those life pieces that may need a little tweaking or a little bit of self-care glue.  

Self Care Ideas

Physical self-care:  

1.   Eat nourishing food.

2.   Give yourself a foot massage

3.   Take a nap.

4.   Go for a walk, jog, ride a bike, swim.

5.   _____________________________.

 Emotional self-care:

    two happy selfies!    

1.   Say “I am lovable and capable in a mirror”.

2.   Write in a journal

3.   Draw or play music to express your emotions

4.   Smile a lot.

5.   _____________________________.

Mental self-care:

    To do list    

1.   Eat breakfast mindfully

2.   Enroll in classes of some kind

3.   Cross something off a to-do list

4.   Forgiveness...give it, accept it.

5.   _____________________________.  

Spiritual self-care:

  Bible found  

1.  Do some corporal and spiritual acts of mercy.

2.   Go to church/service

3.   Read spiritual books and blogs e.g. bible, Word on Fire Blog

4.   Pray, say the rosary or just sit in the presence of God.

5.   _____________________________.


These are just a few ideas that go into the work necessary that may bring balance to your life.  I have added a blank line in each category for you to add a self-care idea of your own; I’m sure you can add many more things to do in each category.  These self-care activities become more meaningful when done in about equal portions.  I don’t think overdoing any one category is a good idea: you might knock the mobile out of balance.  You and God have the answers to the questions of balance and spiritual nourishment in your life. When Jesus says Peace, I leave with you My Peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth do I give unto you.  I would like to think he means bring peace into your life by living with balance and spiritual nourishment with Him by your side!  Let Jesus be your ever-present companion.  His hand is always there for you.